Posted by Bradley Curtis on Jan 29, 2019
On Wednesday, Jan 23, the Club meeting had an attendance of 15. $7 went to 50/50 and $18 was contributed to 50/50. 
There was not a speaker on January 23 due to a late cancellation. However, it did offer opportunity to discuss  highlights of the most recent Board Meeting and upcoming actions that will be requested of the Club Members.
TREASURER REPORT: Invoices for the Quarter have been sent out. Payment are due January 31, 2019. Please contact Mark Trevithick if you have questions. Chad Heberly setup Quickbooks so you can now pay online. However, please be aware that use of the Square and Credit Cards will have charges to the District. Please utilize checking/saving accounts to pay,if possible, as no fees apply.
INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE:  Planning an Alamosa trip which may incorporate fundraising opportunities.
1. Fundraising cannot be used for operational costs. They must be allocated to specific programs.
2. From research, the Club has had $100/quarter dues since its formation.
3. On Jan 30, 2019 Club Meeting, there will be specific discussion on the issue of operational costs and dues.  Currently, records show there are 15 full paying members, 8  Rule 85 (reduced dues), and 2 exempted from dues. combined, this provides less than $7,000 a year.  However, recent operational costs are in excess of $14,000 per year. That is unsustainable......
4.  Scholarship are still being funded for the 7 awarded in the past. However, this year, only a one-time $1,500 scholarship will be available.  There is still money in the Stiefl account to cover these expenditures.  Future scholarship programs will be reevaluated, but the funding will come through specific fundraising and not through use of general funds.
1. There will be a Special Board Meeting on Jan 30, 2019 for the purposes of establishing authorized signators for the financial accounts.
2. Need updated list of committees and the respective members.
Jan 30, 2019: Special Board Meeting at 6:55am, Tocayo Mexican Grill
Jan 30, 2019: Club Meeting at 7:00am, Tocayo Mexican Grill
Feb 6, 2019: Club Meeting at 7:00am, Tocayo Mexican Grill
The flu bug is making its rounds. Stay healthy and hydrated!!

“If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.” - District 6780 Governor Jim Roxlo